Title: Conceal, Don't Feel
Authors(s): Jen Calonita
Publication Date: October 1, 2019
Edition: Hardcover, ebook, audiobook; 320 pgs
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Buy: Amazon - Kindle - Barnes & Noble - iBooks - Kobo - The Book Depository - Audible
Disclaimer: I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are my own.
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The Summary

What if Anna and Elsa never knew each other?
As the future Queen of Arendelle, Princess Elsa’s life is full of expectation and responsibility—not to mention, questions. What type of ruler will she be? When will she have to pick a suitor? And why has she always harbored the feeling that some critical piece of herself is missing?
Following the unexpected death of her parents, Elsa is forced to answer those questions sooner than she’d hoped, becoming the sole ruler of her kingdom and growing lonelier than ever. But when mysterious powers begin to reveal themselves, Elsa starts to remember fragments of her childhood that seem to have been erased—pieces that include a very familiar-looking girl. Determined to fill the void she has always felt, Elsa must take a harrowing journey across her icy kingdom to undo a terrible curse . . . and find the missing Princess of Arendelle.
My Review
Conceal, Don't Feel by Jen Calonita takes the original story of Frozen and turns it on it's head by asking: what happens if Anna and Elsa don't know each other? Considering the relationship between the sisters is the driving force behind Frozen I was really interested to see how that scenario effected everything. Of course, with Frozen 2 coming out next month, as well, this was just the perfect time to dive back into this world.
A magical accident erases both Anna's and Elsa's memories of each other, in order to protect them. Elsa is still raised as heir to Arendelle, but Anna is raised by a Baker and his wife. So while their lives are different, they both feel as if something is missing. But neither of them truly know what that is...at least right away.
What I really loved about this book is we got to get even more character development on our favorite characters. Anna and Elsa are both more developed, along with Kristoff and Hans. But I loved learning more about the King and Queen. In the movie, we get a small insight into them, but in the book, they are expanded even more and you really learn how much they love their daughters. While the journey of the story is great, it is this characterization that makes the story sing.
A great addition to the the Twisted Tales series, if you're a fan of Frozen, friendship, or family, you should definitely pick up Conceal, Don't Feel by Jen Colanita (there's a giveaway for a finished copy below)
“This box was made for your monarchy,” Papa said, and she looked up in surprise. “As you are next in line to the throne and just a few years away from coming of age, your mother and I felt it was time you had your own for safekeeping.”
“Papa, it’s beautiful,” she said. “But I don’t need one now.”
“No,” he said softly. “But someday you will, and we wanted you to be prepared. Kai and the staff know the lockbox by sight and know its contents are private. Whatever you put inside this box is for your eyes only, Elsa. Your secrets are safe in here. For now, I suggest you keep this in your chambers.” His eyes searched hers for understanding.
Elsa ran her fingers along the green velvet interior. “Thank you, Papa.”
He placed his hand atop hers. “It may not feel like it now, but someday your whole life will change in ways you can’t possibly imagine.” He hesitated. “Promise me when it does, if I’m not here to guide you—”
He cut her off. “Promise me that when that day comes, you will look to this box for guidance.”
Look to it for guidance? It was a box. A beautiful box, but a box nonetheless. Still, it was a big step to be given a lockbox like the ones Papa and the kings and queens before him had used. “I promise,” she said.
About the Author

In her first middle grade series, Fairy Tale Reform School, readers explore a school run by Cinderella's formerly wicked stepmother. The series (Flunked, Charmed, Tricked, Switched, and Wished) are told from spunky young former thief, Gillian Cobbler. In Jen's companion series, Royal Academy Rebels, which is set in the same kingdom as FTRS, readers follow young princess Devin, an animal whisperer, as she navigates her mysterious new school run by the most famous fairy godmother of all time. Misfits is out now with book two, Outlaws, due fall 2019.
1 winner will receive a finished copy of CONCEAL, DON’T FEEL, US Only.
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